Unfortunately Hearing Voices group 'Quiet Space' (PSS Umbrella Centre) is currently postponed due to Covid restrictions ; here's a list of helpful resources the HV network has shared with us...
From Hearing Voices Network:
Our Getting help and support page: http://www.hearing-voices.org/voices-visions/getting-help-support/
Our approach to Hearing Voices: http://www.hearing-voices.org/about-us/hvn-values/
Engaging with Voices: https://openmindedonline.com/portfolio/engaging-with-voices-videos/ A series of videos exploring ways of engaging with voices in a more compassionate way
Living with voices: 50 stories of recovery (book)
Find a Hearing Voices Group: http://www.hearing-voices.org/hearing-voices-groups/find-a-group/
Our Multimedia section - with lots of info on voice-hearing and different ways of understanding and working with voices: http://www.hearing-voices.org/resources/films-radio/
Our free downloads section - with coping strategies etc: http://www.hearing-voices.org/resources/free-downloads/
Other useful links:
Understanding Voices: Living with Voices section: https://understandingvoices.com/living-with-voices/
Includes coping strategy toolkit, managing difficult voices at work/study and plenty of information written by people who hear voices for people who hear voices. The rest of the site has useful information as well.
Rufus May’s resources:
(Rufus was diagnosed with schizophrenia in his youth and is now a psychologist. I really like some of his resources): http://rufusmay.com/category/resources/
A practical guide to coping with voices: http://www.intervoiceonline.org/support-recovery/a-practical-guide
The British Psychological Society’s ‘Understanding Psychosis’ report: https://shop.bps.org.uk/understanding-psychosis-and-schizophrenia.html
Hearing Voices Forum (in assoc. with Intervoice) https://www.mentalhealthforum.net/forum/forums/hearing-voices-forum.36/
For Young People:
Voice Collective: www.voicecollective.co.uk (aimed at children and young people under the age of 25, but has a great range of strategies and ideas for all. They also run a support forum for people under 25 and their supporters (see their website for more info). For those able to get to London, they support a small network of peer support groups and can offer some individual support (email, phone and in person).
The Mix: Help, I’m Hearing Voices: https://www.themix.org.uk/mental-health/anxiety-ocd-and-phobias/help-im-hearing-voices-25683.html?fbclid=IwAR2rFPDemypTozwrzrJ73eRr4sRfrf4H63pJHFvADjZAhLkk0tU3Ehi6Ppg
Listen Up! Youth Voice Hearing Exhibition in Durham (includes podcast and artwork from young people) https://hearingvoicesdu.org/listen-up/
Breaking the Silence: a fresh approach to hearing voices in childhood and adolescence: https://jmp.sh/6WpZf5S
Young People Hearing Voices: What you need to know and what you can do; Dr Sandra Escher and Dr. Marius Romme (book)
Parents - don’t panic if your child is Hearing Voices, it’s actually quite common: http://theconversation.com/parents-dont-panic-if-your-child-hears-voices-its-actually-quite-common-78964
A recommendation for family and friends:
An article on how to talk with someone who is hearing voices: https://metro.co.uk/2018/05/20/believing-me-is-crucial-how-to-talk-to-somebody-who-is-hearing-voices-7487842/