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Do you like doing DIY?

Or do you hate it because you don't know what you're doing?

Do It Yourself Skills

We are thinking about seeing what skills people have out there that they might be willing to share with others - who might be less skilled and less confident

It might be showing someone how to change a plug (do we still do that?).

It might be how to use a drill or build a planter.

It might be the best way to get coffee/tea stains out of a mug.

It might be how to sew a button on to a shirt

If you feel you might be interested in lending a hand to teach new skills or (like me) you need help in learning how to some basic DIY tasks then let one of the team know that you're interested and we can see if we can start a group in the future.

You can speak to one of the team or contact us on 0151 708 0415 or at

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