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Food for Mood & Top Tips for Health


The advice is we shoud try to have 5 portions of fruit and vegetables – 2 fruit and 3 veg.  But what counts towards your 5 a day? And what is a portion?

Usually 80 grammes of most things but an easier way to judge might be this:

1 medium apple, 1 medium banana, 3 apricots, 1 medium orange, 2 tangerines, clementines or satsumas, 1 medium pear 1 tablespoon raisins,

2 medium tomatoes or 7 cherry tomatoes, 3 heaped tablespoons beans, 2 broccoli spears, 8 Brussels sprouts, 3 baby beetroot, 2 inch slice of cucumber, 3 heaped tablespoons carrots, 3 heaped tablespoons cabbage, 3 heaped tablespoons mixed frozen vegetables, ½ medium onion, 3 heaped tablespoons peas.

Try to have a variety of colours – each one has different vitamins and minerals which help to keep us healthy and some of them help our mood.

Top Tip for Health

Go outside. Lots of studies have found that spending time outdoors can lessen stress and anxiety, improve your mood, help your immune system and help you to sleep better. And if you can do it in nature it’s even better. And that could be your local park or your garden.

Quote of the Week

“As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal”. — Robin S. Sharma

The more we try things which are new to us, the more confidence we gain and the better we feel about ourselves.

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