Hi everyone, Hoping you are all well and staying safe.
Now to my next canvas I must have started this around June last year but I decided to leave it for a while. But I thought for this art stages it would be good to do it. It 'll be a detailed painting with many stages ahead but I hope it'll be enjoyable to do and I hope eventually the canvas will go on exhib on the actual surviving Port Erin line.
My inspiration for doing the canvas came last year with the lock down with not being able to go to the Isle of Man. I thought the painting would go on a journey back in time to the early 1960's, a summers day, the train waiting to depart for Douglas - to imagine all the sights and sounds the smell of oil and coal and steam from the engine, the seagulls crying also the aroma of the kippers being cured in near by fish yard just a nice warm pleasant day. Just imaging waiting on the platform for the train to depart and maybe afterwards go to the Creek Inn for some refreshment across the road from the station. Also there is the harbour opposite the railway with the boats all tied up sitting on a nice glassy tranquil water....have you all got your ice creams every one.
I've also included a poem about the Peel line the author of I'm not sure of ? but I love it and hope you do as well...it'll all add to the feel of the canvas.
Stage one-
1. My main worry was the best way to get the drawing onto the canvas. I didn't want to mess up the canvas with loads of rubbing out as it does cause a messy problem...so using sketch paper I draw the engine to the scale I would need to go on the canvas...this took many attempts but finally I was happy, also part of the train I did this way. These were to be traced onto the canvas with the engine but before this I did manage to draw the platform and station and background onto the canvas then I traced my drawing of loco and train onto the canvas. It worked well and the canvas is nice and tidy looking.
Back on the canvas again
2. The building with the battlement type of roof this I've given a bit more of a downward angle to the left. Overall I am happy with the perspective with the canvas....it shouldn't be too long before I add the paint I am most looking forward to this.
See you all soon for stage two,
Take care,