Join the gang this week for some more entertainment. We have Alison with an excerpt of a script she's woking on, Terry, with a touching poem about a daughter trying to cope with the impact of Alzheimer's on her mother, whole John, goves us his tale of doing stand up comedy while Richard serenades us with a fine version of The Lonesome Pine.
And if you're far too young to know the song or what Richard's talking about, here's what you missed!
And, not a video, but a painting - here's John's latest. Rather fab!

If you are interested in the Open Mic sessions and want to join in then fill in the Contact Us form on the 'Contact Us' tab. You don't have to prepare or read anything out - just come along and have a laugh. You also don't have to be on screen for any recordings - we can simply turn off your Video.
Why not give it a go?