Hello! Before we get to the challange and I explain the photo above, here's another fab gallery today and big thanks to Sheila, Bev, Gail and Gill.
First, Sheila's photos from Scotland.
This is Dunkeld. Always love seeing water flowing through woodland and Sheila's caught the speed of the flow. Also like those shadows cast by the rail.
The amazing Kelpies at Falkirk. In a photo of something very big or very small, t's always good to have something to show the scale, like the people in this one.
And this is the frozen waterfall at Pitscottie. The way the water has frozen on that branch is beautiful, like a glass sculpture. I haven't been to any of these places so thanks for the glimpse, Sheila!
Bev has been sending in lots of photos and I kept these back for a while to give us a reminder of summer. It's great to see these flowers up close as well as the whole field. This is a new sight to me. And I never get tired o seeing bees on flowers.
Here are Gail's beautiful photos for the soft challenge a few weeks ago. She's captured a real sense of how each of these would feel to touch.
And a great response from Gill to the D E F chalenge last week.
Let us know how you took the diamond photo, Gill. Very interesting effect. And love the shadows around and across the earrings and how the light is catching the stones.
And great that you tried two different shots of the flowers. A different feel and effect with each. The first one is almost dreamy as the buds and leaves fade off into the light. While the second is crisp with more defined shapes.
Very well done, everyone!
These are all very attractive shots but for this week's challenge I'm asking you to look out for something to photograph which isn't pretty but that has something you find interesting.
Have a look at Durness while I talk about it.
I couldn't get this link to play so I'm also adding it like this: https://youtu.be/cUHS5D-aTrc
And here's what I found not pretty but interesting this week.
I put my phone on selfie and pointed it upwards from underneath the springs of a very old mattress. I like the silhouettes of different shapes and patterns against the sun and sky.
I like the different textures, shapes, materials and colours in this one. And looking at it just now I thought - one part is man made, one is made from something which once grew and the third is something growing. That appeals to me too.
This is a rusting radiator. I love the colours, texture and pattern in this. All of that immediately drew my eye.
As ever, please send your photos on this or any theme of your choosing to: