Helo! Big thanks this week to Adele for a great poem and - when I realised this is the 53rd poetry post - so we've been doing this for over a year! - I decided to do a bit of revisiting with one of my poems about cats which may have led to links to other things about cats.
If you don't like cats - how could you not though - stop here! No wait, don't because I've also got a couple of poems by other folks and not to do with cats.
I'm re-visiting a short video with words from a book called I Could Pee on This and Other Poems by Cats in case you missed it the first time.
And if you got this far youre clearly a cat lover who can't get enough cats so here's another re-visit. Well, they are poetry in motion! Enjoy!
This week's prompt is wild - it could be being wild or being in the wild or somehting wild.
Please send your poems on this or any other theme to: wellbeingcentres@pss.org.uk