‘Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority’
Find yourself nodding in agreement?

Us too.
This is the message of World Mental Health Day on the 10th of October. An international day that is dedicated to global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma.
World Mental Health Day is held by the World Health Organisation every year on the 10th of October – it’s that friendly reminder for us all to put mental health at the top of our priority list.
Here at Upbeat this World Mental Health Day we would like to hear from you! We would like to know what you do to look after your well-being. What unwinds you after a stressful or particularly challenging day?
For example, you might find it therapeutic being out in nature, or perhaps creativity is your escapism. Maybe just a giant slice of Victoria sponge and a cuppa is your go to?
Whatever it is we would love to hear from you, send us an email with one or two paragraphs letting us know your self-care strategies.
Feel free to send pictures too! We would love to see pics of what makes your wellbeing flourish! Whether that be a pic of your pet, a painting, a walk or – last but not least! – a chunk of cake!
Email your words and pictures to Claire by the 9th of October: claire.williams@pss.org.uk
For more information on World Mental Health Day visit: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/our-work/public-engagement/world-mental-health-day