Cath Slomka
Wellbeing practitioner
What’s your background?
I have a degree in Psychology, and I’m a qualified yoga and meditation teacher.
What do you do?
I teach yoga, meditation, and relaxation to people accessing the Wellbeing Centres. I help to facilitate group work sessions around lifting mood, raising self-esteem, and mindfulness.
What do you love about your role?
I love seeing the changes in people from the beginning of a course to the end. Sometimes you can notice the difference from the beginning of a session compared to the end. You can see the tension in their faces and the worry in their eyes disappear. They walk out a little lighter and with a little more peace of mind. That’s what I love.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I enjoy spending time with family, weight-training, yoga, meditation, hiking, going to gigs, and socialising.