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What is OCD​

Do you have thought patterns that you just can’t stop?

Maybe you’ve found yourself falling into certain patterns of harmful behaviour or thinking?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common mental health disorder that can sometimes be dismissed. It’s a condition that has often been joked about in popular culture, when people are told they have OCD if they are particular about how they like to clean or worry about leaving their hair straighteners on. However, OCD is not a light-hearted matter.

What are the signs of OCD?

OCD is where the person has uncontrollable thoughts (obsessions) and behaviours (compulsions). These can be unpleasant thoughts and repetitive behaviours that you can’t control. 

What is an obsession?

Obsessions can look like:

  •  The fear of contamination from germs, dirt, bacteria or any other unclean materials.

  • Concern with order, symmetry and everything being perfect.

  • The fear of being harmed by others or causing harm to others.

  • Unwanted sexual thoughts – feeling unwanted or intrusive sexual desires.

  • Obsessive thoughts about religion, concerns about moral judgement and behaviours.

What is a compulsion?

Compulsions can look like:

  • Double checking things such as locks and switches.

  • Having to repeat tasks, count to certain numbers, perform patterns and routines.

  • Excessive cleaning regimes.

  • Avoiding triggers that may lead to a compulsion.


How to get help for OCD

There is a treatment that can help in treating OCD, which is a form of therapy called cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). CBT is a common type of talk therapy that can tackle unhelpful ways of thinking and unhelpful behaviour.

Support groups and medication are also very useful tools when it comes to tackling OCD.

If you believe you are struggling from OCD, please contact a local GP and/or a mental health professional.

Tools & Resources for OCD


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