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PSS Wellbeing Centres : Covid-19 Update (November 2020)

In light of the 2nd National Lockdown we wanted to reassure you of the types of support the team can offer you during this time. We are continuing to open up our service with a more blended offer of support, telephone, digital and face to face, so that you can access mental health and wellbeing support by whatever way suits you best!

Digital Support

Wanting the convenience of accessing support whilst at home or during evenings and weekends?

We can offer a whole host of virtual support options through upbeat liverpool which is open to anyone. Upbeat Liverpool can support you to be calm, be creative, be healthy and manage emotions with lots of free online resources.

If you are a member of the wellbeing centres you can also choose to sign up to additional sessions provided live via Zoom by PSS Wellbeing Centre staff and our partners. If you’re not a member yet you can self refer using our ‘contact us’ page and sign up via a wellbeing plan and conversation with one of the team. Once signed up, we'll send you all the details needed to log in online.

Telephone Support

Finding Lockdown really hard or have no other formal or informal support?

If you’re already a Wellbeing Centre member we’re continuing to offer regular telephone calls and texts . We have also introduced a dedicated duty line for any wellbeing centre member who finds themselves struggling and needs to talk to someone. For more information please phone 0151-708-0415.

Unfortunately we are unable to offer any telephone support to new people as we have limited capacity, but please visit our ‘other support’ page on UpbeatLiverpool for details of other organisations that specialise in telephone support.

Face to face Support

Wanting the support of others?

We are mindful that you may not be comfortable receiving support on line or just would benefit more from ‘ being with’ others Since mid-September our 3 Wellbeing Centres have been gradually reopening to the 269 people who were attending prior to lockdown. So far we have welcomed back 112 people to small group sessions; it’s been lovely to hear the rooms full of chatter again!

People have been attending support groups, mindfulness sessions, gardening, relaxation sessions and courses for Anxiety Management and Lifting Mood & Raising Self Esteem. All our premises have been fully risk assessed and have been adapted so that they are Covid secure. We symptom check prior to appointments and attendance is strictly by appointment only so that we can keep everyone safe. Unfortunately this means you won’t be able to just pop in so If you are a current member of the Wellbeing Centres and would like to return for any of our face to face support please telephone 0151 708 0415.

Unfortunately at the moment due to staff and room capacity, we’re unable to accept new referrals for face to face support but we’ll be continuing to review the service in line with government guidance so watch this space for regular updates

For further information or to discuss any of the above please telephone the team on

0151 708 0415 or email:

Keep safe everyone!

The Wellbeing Centres team


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