This is a call out for volunteers who want to help us grow and shape Upbeat Liverpool.

During lockdown the website has been a fantastic support to many, offering the chance to meet up, to stay connected and to have fun in the virtual world, especially when our Wellbeing Centres were closed.
Now as we emerge from lockdown and are able to return to face to face support and friendships, what's next for Upbeat?
We still want Upbeat to play a big part in the Wellbeing Centres going forward. People tell us that they really value the option of receiving support in the convenience of their own homes and at a time of their choosing.
So we're looking to recruit a steering group to help us shape Upbeat going forward, similar to the way our wonderful Cabin Crew help us shape Dutch Barn. As the title on Upbeat Liverpool says "together" - it is so important.
So if you fancy joining us as part of the 'Upbeat Crew' please register your interest by sending an email to telling us why you would like to be involved and what you feel you could offer the group.
Unfortunately we know from our experience with the Cabin Crew that we can’t invite everyone to be involved and so will be asking those that show the passion and/or experience that we need to make it work
Here's Pete ,Corinne and Siobhan to give you a bit of a taste of what happens behind the scenes of Upbeat Liverpool ...........