Sharing more wellbeing activities from across Liverpool...
Don't forget you can also sign up for Culture Vultures September events , click here CULTURE VULTURES SEPTEMBER EVENTS to find out more :)
'Live the actual moment...' (Thích Nhất Hạnh)
The LifeRooms and Movema have teamed up to bring you 'Mindfulness and Movement' online. Please contact The LifeRooms team for more info:
Phone: 0151 330 6461 Email:
Those that run together - have fun together...
Meeting Wednesdays! Sign up via myCrew (social fitness app)
Make a difference to Liverpool's L8 park and connect with others in nature.
Friends of Princes Park are seeking volunteers.
Contact Liz for more details: 07764510984
Breathe, Relax, Stretch...
Beginners yoga classes at Norris Green Park.
Contact Veronica : 07908150117
'Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee' (Muhammad Ali)
Promoting positive social change
An online focus group for experiences of young and BAME female creatives.
'Our House is your Home' Walton CIC
If you take part in any of this weeks suggestions and would like to share your experiences with us please do CONTACT US :)
Looking for something different? Then why not check out Wellbeing Liverpool, a service designed to help you find activities, groups and organisations that can help you live the life you want to live : and if you're on social media platforms follow @livewellpool for the latest community news.