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Culture Vultures 17.09.20

Its September 17th and this weeks National Day is 'Talk Like A Pirate day' ; so here’s a couple of phrases that might be useful.

Ahoy, Me Hearties! : Hello, my friends, crew members, etc.

Avast Ye : Pay attention and check this out

September 18 1709 was the Birth date of Samuel Johnson, compiler of the first English dictionary, so my question this week is :

What is your favourite word in the dictionary? Head over to the brolly cafe forum and let us know your answer?

Mines got to be Bumfuzzle - which means being confused, perplexed or flustered, so describes me when trying to find my glasses, way or many other things lol.

Just before we get into today's vlog here is a note from the Brain Charity about exemption from mask wearing cards -

"People usually ask with the best intentions for the safety of you and the people around you, but it can be exhausting and embarrassing being challenged or having to explain yourself. Using an exemption or hidden disability badge, card and lanyard should help."

Just click on link for more info:

*September not March - obviously Bumfuzzled :)*


Behind the curtain at the prince of Egypt

Disney Cruise Line Tangled The Musical

Virtual tour of the Little Theatre Southport


A talk by David Olusoga at the Bluecoat Chambers, David draws on his academic research into Liverpool and the transatlantic slave trade to talk about the ongoing legacies of the ‘triangular trade’ profits from this, and from the goods that it enabled

in the 18 and 19 centuries.

300 facts about the Bluecoat Chambers

The British academy

How did Catherine the great shape Russian history

The nine lives of The Cats Head At the Ure Museums in Reading


Salsa dancing with Salsa Bae, a half hour lesson on salsa dancing

A short film on jazz musician John Coltrane.

Radiohead live in Berlin

In memory of the famous architect of reggae, Toots who died last week


Art Uk and a podcast about railway posters

A brief history of women in art From Art uk

A Tate tour of Aubrey Beardsley who’s black and white art was the talk of the late Victorian era.

Why artists painted on copper, a curator look


The Shift summit and musical festival for wellbeing, click on the free Selection

Bloody Scotland the crime writing festival with interview with writers such as Ian Rankin



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