Sharing the latest offerings across Liverpool's wellbeing community this week:
The Reader Org are offering weekly poetry readings on zoom;
'We are building a Reading Revolution, bringing people together and books to life in order to make warmer, healthier, stronger communities.'
For more info:
Beginners yoga on zoom with Roxy Yoga.
Rotunda online learning are supporting more people to get online with their latest course 'Computers don't bite' .
Find out more here:
BlackFest are calling for creatives!
Delivering this Hip Hop Dance project to anyone identifying as d/deaf or disabled.
*Closing date Friday 26th Feb @ 5pm*
Find out more here:
Aged 16-30 and living in L8?
A new free counselling service is now being offered at The Florrie.
The Mind Map & The Florrie have partnered up to provide free counselling to young L8 residents:
Click here to find out more:
Granby Toxteth Development Trust are offering free online courses.
How about a bit of edible gardening?
Find out more here:
Looking for something different? Then why not check out Wellbeing Liverpool, a service designed to help you find activities, groups and organisations that can help you live the life you want to live :