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What's Happening Liverpool?

Scroll down to check out some of the latest opportunities from Liverpool's wellbeing and creative communities.

Opportunities for Cycling from Richmond Fellowship

We are delighted to welcome our newest member organisation to the Timebank.

‘Wheels for All’ are an inclusive cycling project for all ages and abilities.

Here is a flyer with some of their regular cycles, if you wish to join one of the regular rides, please contact - Shane O’Leary on the email or phone number listed for booking.

Another opportunity to be involved with is ‘Pedal Away community cycling’. What they say;

‘Pedal Away' is a community-based cycling scheme that enables people to ride, regardless of their age, ability or cycling experience.Bikes and helmets are available which you can borrow for a small donation

‘We have Pedal Away Cycle Hubs at numerous locations across the UK which will allow you to realise your passion for all things two-wheels!! Our Pedal Away rides are pitched at a level so that anyone can join in no matter when the last time you got on a bike was. They are social rides aimed to turn people from dubious beginner to independent confident cyclist!’

Please follow the link below for more information

‘Wheels for All’ are also looking for any Timebankers interested in volunteering with them, they have a wide range of jobs available including; helping at sessions with disabled participants, leading bike rides, repairs and maintenance etc.

You would as ever bank time for helping out. In return they are kindly offering training and hands-on experience in a wide range of areas.

Do get in touch with us if you would like to know more.

OUR TIME Community Links Advisor, Richmond Fellowship

07717 801 818



Charles Dickens Museum Interactive Tour

FREE. Click the link below for immediate access.



Shared Reading Groups

Click the link below to join a group or email


U3A- University of the Third Age Liverpool

From their website:

We share many learning, creative,and physical activities.

Enjoying leisure time together in activity groups, doing everything from art to theatre with walking, lunches, Scrabble and pretty much everything else in between.

U3A exists to help you make friends, develop your interests and enjoy yourself.

  • at Greet and Meet Coffee Drops members catch up and chat with others over a cup of tea/coffee or a drink.

  • The dates and times are posted in the Bulletin under NEWS ITEM and sometimes under the EVENTS screen (press enable editing to read this Word doc.)

  • We are up and running as usual, meeting centrally at

  • the Quaker Meeting House, 22 School Lane, Liverpool on

  • the third Thursday of each month

  • Meeting starts 2:00 p.m. (doors open 1.30 p.m.)

  • Admission subs. £2 for all attendees.

This is the link to their contact page:

How to Join Liverpool u3a

  • Join us either at one of our meetings, or drop in coffees;

  • Liverpool u3a website - Welcome screen Under Links is a Membership Application form to print,

  • Before printing please press Enable Editing on the document to keep the format

  • Complete and mail with your remittance to our Membership Secretary whose address is on the form.

  • This year's subscription is £10.

We look forward to meeting you

Their next social is this Wednesday 13th April 11 am

Strawberry Field Beaconsfield Road Liverpool 25

Co-ordinator Jennifer Peterson

0151 428 2811


Virtual U3A

If you are isolated either geographically, through illness or through personal commitments (e.g. carer responsibilities) there is a U3A which exists only on the internet. It is known as the Virtual U3A(vU3A) and you can learn all about it at Virtual U3A


Richie the Ranger: Guided Walks

Guided walks led by the former Liverpool park ranger Richie Baker.

Walks last hour and a half and are easy walks £2.50 per person unless otherwise stated.

As things seem to be getting better there will be some booking only walks where space is limited but mainly no need to book and just turn up on the day.

There will be some booking only walks where space is limited but mainly no need to book and just turn up on the day.

Sunday 17th April 12.00 noon

Easter Ramble Join us as we amble through the Allerton Country Trail. We follow leafy pathways, ancient footpaths, pastures and meadows and we explore the sites of three former Gentlemen’s Estates discovering the fascinating history of these beautiful Estates, Fair amount of walking and good footwear recommended, Meet at Allerton Hall ( Pub in the Park) Springwood Ave, Liverpool L25 7UN. Please note 12.00 start

Tuesday 19th April 1.00pm

The Lost Mansions of Woolton Woods and Camp Hill A fascinating walk that discovers the history of these two places of outstanding natural beauty, The walk explores the fascinating history dating back to the grand days when they were private gentlemen’s estates, We also explore some fascinating “Nooks and Crannies” that are reminders of bygone days. Meet at the Village Cross, corner of High Street and Woolton Street.

Thursday 21st April 1.00pm

Edward Falkner, Swashbuckling Hero A fascinating walk that explores Falkner Square and the surrounding Georgian Streets. We discover the amazing stories surrounding these beautiful streets and Georgian houses and we visit the award-winning Falkner Square to learn of its origins and the amazing tale of how Captain Edward Falkner defeated a French invasion single handed. A step back in time to our Georgian past. Meet Falkner Square Gdns, off Grove Street.

COVID-19 Notice Due to COVID-19 some services may change at short notice, please remember to check with the organisation directly to check that their services are running or if there are any changes.

Contacts Richie the Ranger: Guided Walks

  • All enquiries and booking


  • 07850 239411

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