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Barn Transformation Project

A look back on the year

The project may have started late because of Covid restrictions but that didn't deter our trusty band of volunteers. They hit the ground running and grabbed compost, seed trays, spades, rakes, wood and saws and brought all sorts of things into being...

...including a home for the fairies!

One of the big positives in bringing a group of people together for a project are the opportunities it creates for skill sharing. Everyone brings their own set of skills and experience and sometimes people re-discover skills they haven't had the chance to use for a long time, which gives a welcome boost to confidence and self esteem. The volunteers shared lots of skills, from seed sowing to building

After much hard work and determination over several months, the team built a pond and suddenly a hole became a home.

And not that the volunteers mind a bit of rain, but from March until December, there was only one really rainy day! There are no guarantees next year will be the same but there's plenty to look forward to; developing the polytunnel, growing more in the raised beds and planters, making more transformations to the barn surroundings, watching the wildflower area come into bloom and welcoming more visitors to the pond, which we hope will include dragonflies and froglets!

Stay tuned - we're not done yet!

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