Because "Kind people are the best people" (Unknown)

A 6 week course delivered by Liverpool Adult Learning
Tuesday's 1pm-3pm at PSS Umbrella Centre
Running from 2nd November - 6th December
Learn about
The Culture of Kindness and what it all means.
The benefits to being kind, in relation to respect, caring, inclusiveness, integrity, courage and how this supports wellbeing.
Techniques and practical ways of using the ‘culture of kindness’ model.
How the culture of kindness approach can be embedded into day-to-day life for improved overall wellbeing.
Open to PSS members, places must be booked in advance. To reserve a place please use the Upbeat Contact form, email or telephone 0151-708-0415
This course delivered by Liverpool Adult Learning is free for people on the following benefits
*Job Seekers Allowance, *Employment Support Allowance (Work Related Activity Group Only) *Universal Credit, Income Support, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit, Working Tax Credit, ESA (Support Group) also, if you are earning less than £18,600 courses are free
(Evidence of benefit will need to be seen by the course tutor upon enrolment)