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Culture Vultures 05.08.21

On the 5th August in 1959 Singer/songwriter Pete Burns of Dead and Alive was born in Port Sunlight, Bebington. I used to really like their record 'You spin me round (like a record)' ...

So for this weeks question on the chat : What is your favourite line from any song?

The Rezzy

This is live in Liverpool from the Thursday 5th to Saturday 7th August at Breeze Hill Millennium Green Liverpool L4 5QT. Visit ‘Bridge’ by day and enjoy a series of FREE events and experiences created in collaboration with communities and arts organisations from across County District and the wider city. Friday and Saturday night will see gravity-defying circus acrobatics, dance, comedy, theatre and live music, inspired by local people’s stories, to create a thrilling and moving montage of the courage, compassion and humour needed to bridge a divide.

A FREE spectacular ticketed performance for all ages.

'Becoming British'

6th August at 2pm

From the National Archives - The National Archives holds records of over a quarter of a million naturalisations which took place between 1844 and 1980. In this talk, delve into the reasons why people took the decision to naturalise so they could celebrate becoming British, including their touching personal stories.

Film Noir

9th August at 6.30 to 7.30pm

In the 1930s and ‘40s, novelists Raymond Chandler and James M. Cain wrote masterworks of crime fiction packed with knife-sharp prose, from The Postman Always Rings Twice and Double Indemnity, to The Big Sleep and Farewell My Lovely. But it wasn’t until Hollywood adapted these novels that Chandler and Cain became global icons. This is the story of how two writers came to define the golden age of noir. Explore the true-life origins of Cain and Chandler’s fiction, and chronicle the battles between filmmakers and censors over how to translate their violent, sexually charged novels to the screen.

From the Getty museum in Los Angeles

11th August at 4.00 pm

Join Irving Finkel of the British Museum and Timothy Potts, Maria Hummer-Tuttle and Robert Tuttle of the Getty Museum, for a lively conversation about the first known writing system, In illuminating its development and dissemination across time and borders, they discuss the training of scribes, the range of subjects preserved in cuneiform, and the many languages recorded in this script over 3,500 years. Mesopotamian culture and science deeply influenced Greek and Roman thought and have an enduring impact today.

A short history on the abandoned railway tunnels of Liverpool

The worlds oldest railway tunnels below streets- Wapping and Crown street Tunnels in Liverpool, once the beating heart Liverpool’s railways and now silent.

From the National Archives - punishing the paupers

13th August at 2.00 pm

Paupers easily found themselves disciplined or punished for writing letters of complaint about how they were treated by local poor law authorities. There is a wealth of material on this, and in this talk Paul Carter will focus on the punishing of paupers by local authorities for the act of complaining to the central poor law authority in London.

Uncover how paupers easily found themselves disciplined or 'punished' for writing letters of complaint about how they were treated by local poor law authorities.

Conceptually, the new workhouse buildings were built as disciplinary structures (high walls, locked doors, segregated areas etc.) which displayed the visible administrative power of the New Poor Law.

The life and music of Samuel Coleridge Taylor

The story of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, is intriguing and his early death at the age of just 37 is one of the great 'what if' moments of British classical music in the twentieth century. In a 2018 BBC Four programme, Sonia Boyce asked the question Whoever heard of a Black Artist – showing the lack of diversity in the traditional canon of visual arts. The same criticism could be levelled at the canon of composers of classical music. While in recent years there has been some attempt to redress the balance and increase diversity in concerts and recordings, the fact remains that only a handful of composers of colour are cemented into the collective

The story of RAF Woodvale from the Atkinson Southport

The history of the Microscope from the Science Museum

The Royal Museums Greenwich and The phases of the Moon.

The phases of the moon are caused by the relative positions of the Moon, Sun and Earth. Because the Moon produces no visible light of its own, we can only see the parts of the Moon that are lit up by other objects. A small amount of light comes from distant stars and the reflection of light from the Earth (known as Earthshine). However the main source of light for the Moon is the Sun. At almost all times, half of the Moon is being lit up by the Sun, but this need not be the half that is facing towards the Earth. The only exception is during a lunar eclipse. For more click link for some fascinating information.

Thanks for listening, I’m now having a couple of weeks break and hopefully Culture Vultures will be able to meet up out and about in September! Keep an eye out on Upbeat Liveprool for more news on this...

If you enjoy Culture Vultures posts and find them useful it would be an option for me to carry on with a monthly vlog - so please do let us know if you have any thoughts?

Meanwhile many Best wishes


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