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Culture Vultures 11.03.21

March 12th is Alfred Hitchcock Day, so the question for the café chat is: do you have a favourite Alfred Hitchcock film? Head over to the chat forum page to get involved...

On the 17th March it’s Saint Patrick’s Day.

I found a fascinating article by Ben Johnson, about the life of St Patrick, was he actually born in Wales? Take a look and see what you think. Here’s the link :

Professor Emma Griffin :History of Women

18th March 6.00 to 7.00pm - Book a place to gain further insights into the history of women and work and current debates as well as the opportunity to submit your question during the audience Q&A:

Harrogate international Festival book launch with Peter Robinson and Not Yet Dark.

18th March at 7.00pm - free to book:

Part of the BEE Superhighway Project.

18th March 3.30 to 4.30pm

Join a member of the ecology team of Holland Park to hear a story about the special role bees and other insects play in pollinating the flowers and pick up some special tips on how to encourage more bees to your garden or outdoor area:

Celebrating Persian Cuisine and Culture

18th March at 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm

Join us for an unforgettable, lively evening celebrating Persian Cuisine and Culture with Haleh Moravej, Senior lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University in Nutritional Sciences. She will talk about some of the favourite Persian dishes, the popular ingredients, spices and herbs used. Learn about the Persian ancient festival of Nowruz, that Haleh will celebrate on 20th March. She will share the mouth watering food prepared for the Nowruz celebratory feast.

Nowruz, also known as Persian New Year has been observed for more than 3,000 years as the victory of spring over darkness:

A free digital download service from the National Archives

Download history about the doomsday book, military history and various other records. They are making digital records available on their website free of charge for the time being, as their reading room service is suspended in line with : national restrictions in England.

Registered users will be able to order and download up to ten items at a time, to a maximum of 100 items over 30 days. The limits are there to try to help manage the demand for content and ensure the availability of digital services for everyone:

Church Conservation trust

Join the examination of the rich details of Countess Matilda’s life and times Matilda of Canossa: the life of a woman who changed the course of history:

A fantastic look at migration from AD43 up to the 2000’s.

You can click on links to views different ages such AD43 to 1500, then on further links for more detailed information. The population of Britain in the first century AD had already been shaped by thousands of years of migration. Ever since the very first inhabitants came here, probably from southern Europe, there has been a continual process of settlement and trade. By the time the Romans invaded Britain in the year 43, it was already a land of many cultures and languages. The ‘Romans’ themselves – soldiers and settlers – came from all over Rome's empire. Because of all of this, in and around the first century, Britain's population included people from as far afield as North Africa, Syria, the Balkans and Scandinavia. We know this from archaeological evidence – the study of skeletal DNA and dental isotopes, as well as tomb inscriptions and buried objects such as jewellery and pottery:

The Little Theatre

On the 16th March at 9.00 pm.

During the first decade of the 20th century, a new vehicle for public entertainment, the cinema, began to erode the popularity of large theatrical performances. At the same time, playwrights and artists started to experiment with new forms of live theater, adopting more realistic styles, developing innovative staging methods, and choosing topics that often reflected social issues of the Progressive Era.

A talk about the development of this "Little Theatre Movement," focusing on the contradictions between its ideals and its disparities related to gender, class, and race, as well as Little Theatre's ongoing influence on American culture--including its formative effect on second-wave feminist icon Betty Friedan:

And thanks to Gill who has recommended a lovely little museum in Liverpool called The Garstang Museum ...

It will be great to visit when it’s open again, meanwhile here’s some information from the gallery about music in Ancient Egypt and all you need is Love modern themes on Ancient Egyptian love poems:

The National Gallery of Art and a Tale of two cities Milan, a summer lecture:

And this week just for fun.....enjoy this heartwarmer - a talk with videos about two barn owls, Gylfie and Finn with wildlife artist Rober E Fuller, followed by questions and answers:

Plus a recording of a barn owl chick hatch:

Thanks for listening and best wishes to all!

Corinne :)

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