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Culture Vultures 7.1.2021

Hello everyone and a Happy New Year to you all!

On January 6th in 1854 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created Sherlock Holmes; so this date is noted as Sherlock’s birthday.

With that in mind , this weeks question for the chat forum is:

"What is your favourite Sherlock Holmes book or theatre adaptation?"

I went to see the Hounds of the Baskerville a couple of years ago at the Liverpool Playhouse, it was really amusing and based loosely on the book but still enjoyable!

And the Suggestions for this weeks Culture Vultures are:

Bill Withers Lovely Day

A fab classical version of this Bill Withers tune from the Victoria Gallery and Museum:

History of the Barbican Centre

Nostalgia: fantastic shots of a Barbican that doesn't seem to have changed all that much, and a cut-and-paste commentary from promotional films, news, TV and motion pictures, all celebrating the Barbican Centre. Last year's London History Day theme was 'London's Resilience' and the Barbican feels a good example of that, from the history of the site it sits on to whatever comes next in our current situation. The Barbican Mixtape was created by filmmaker Jack Wormell and the Barbican Archive team, as part of the Barbican Estate's 50th anniversary in 2019:

Transpose the Future from the Barbican 

Featuring artists from across the generations collaborating in performances of opera, poetry, dance and electronica, this show considers what gender, identity and individuality might look like tomorrow – in a celebratory atmosphere. Transpose is curated by C N Lester and directed by Kate O’Donnell two of the trans community’s leading lights and multi-talented performers. In the words of CN "it’s a space in which ‘we can show you our vulnerabilities, our strengths, and – most of all authenticity" :

Thillana from Milifest

Music to celebrate Lalgudi Jayaraman who was an Indian Carnatic violinist, vocalist and composer. He was also known as the god of Violin:

Art in Venice

Philip Ursoff an artist and historian joins with Art Enthusiasts with an introduction on how to draw architectural sketches in Venice:

Plant Life drawing workshop

Open for any level of ability. Run from the Great Exhibition roadshow and takes place on the 13th January between 5pm -6pm. For a free place book via:

Lantern making workshop

Afree event from the Richfield Arts Centre on 11th January 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Join Yuen Humble for a crafting session. Making colourful, origami lanterns to bring a glow to your home on winter nights.

You will need: coloured A4 paper, thread, pen, ruler, scissors, stapler, hole punch and a tea light.

Book your place via eventbrite:

Japanese architect Terunobu Fujimori

A sharing of his expertise about the history and traditions of Japanese tea house architecture, and how his own work plays with these traditions to create his fantastical designs:

Amateo Arts Take Part

Bookbinder Cassandra Barron shows you the process for a cut and fold book, a simple pamphlet stitch book and a Japanese stab book: 

Using Plain paper​ Cassandra explains how to scale up and down to make books of different sizes in the workshop.

You will need:

-Decorative paper​ (you are welcome to incorporate decorative papers into your books, Using old maps, wallpaper samples, old calendars etc she will explain and demo this in the workshop)

- Pencil Ruler

- Cutting mat / chopping board

- Cork tile or old magazine​ - something to push into when making the holes in our pages.

- Awl / clicker /bradawl​ - this pointy tool is used to punch holes in paper ready for stitching. If you don't have access to one of these, a push pin or thick needle with a sharp point will work.

- Needle​ (a straight bookbinding needle is ideal or a hand needle with a large eye as we are using thick thread)

- Thread​ (waxed linen thread if you have it or embroidery thread that you have waxed

yourself with beeswax)

Cassandra shows how to do this in the workshop :​ ​

Heritage Calling

A fab site that explores the life of the Aviator Amy Johnson:

And finally it’s the celebration of ...

Lohri a Punjabi festival

Celebrated on 13th January each year. Popular belief has it that Lohri is celebrated to mark the end of winter, this festival is traditionally associated with the harvest of the rabi crops. The traditional time to harvest sugarcane crops is January, therefore, Lohri is seen by some to be a harvest festival. Also Punjabi farmers see the day after Lohri (Maghi) as the financial, New Year!

Thanks to everyone for listening and sending best wishes for a peaceful and virus free year.

See you next week


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