Join us for a fun activity over Zoom!

Make choices, roll dice and create stories as a group.
Set in a medieval sword and sorcery world, using the Dungeons and Dragons game, you create a character then make choices for that character.
Only two simple rules: the dice decide the outcome of your choices. Low rolls are bad. High rolls are good.
And by the way - you'll be given your own set of dice!
Here's an example of how Dice & Drama works.
GM : You're in a dark corridor. Ahead is a closed door. Light and shadows can be seen beneath the doorgap. What do you do ?
Tracy : I'll creep up to the door and listen.
Dave : I'll ready my crossbow.
GM : Tracy you hear muffled voices. What do you do next ?
Tracy : I will try creep into the room unnoticed.
GM: Give me a stealth check.
Tracy : I rolled 20.
GM : you succeed. You quickly and quietly enter the room and see some barrels to hide behind.
Dave : I am going to follow Tracy and duck behind the barrels.
GM : roll a stealth check.
Dave : I rolled 1.
GM : Oops ! That roll fails. As you push open the door it makes a loud scraping noise. The two figures stand and turn towards you. One is a huge man, the other a stout dwarf. What do you do ?
Dave : I fire my crossbow at the big guy .....
The drama is on!
This game is usually played round a table like this -

- but we think we can have just as much fun over Zoom!
Have fun and feel the benefits of shared experience, imagination & creativity.
To sign up or find out more please use the "contact us" page.
Pre-Christmas sessions: Friday 4th, 11th & 18th 3.30-5.30pm
Only five places available!