Hi, and welcome to another art stage for the mill canvas.
Adding the background tree's and mill turning pole also windows on round house - These tree's I've only basically painted in as I wanted to get more of a feel for the canvas. Also I've added the long pole attached to turn the mill by the mill steps; the windows I've now added but in a boarded up state.
Mill sails - Bit of head scratcher here.....weather to add a full working set or add in the damaged neglected state? Again I need to get these in to get more of a feel. Before I give the sky another coat of paint - well I decided to add the damaged sail. I feel the mill in this neglected state will tell more of a story.
Comments - And thank you all for your encouraging comments it is a most interesting canvas to do and I'm most enjoying doing this painting and looking at the history of this long lost mill.
See you all soon for stage three.
Take care,
😀 Lovely Ian it is coming on great leaps& bounds well done
Glad you're enjoying this painting Ian. We get to enjoy and learn of it's history as you go. Thank you.
Looks a really interesting picture Ian. The neglected sails will certainly tell more of a story. Enjoying the different steps and seeing the painting build.