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The Sleep Blog No. 3

Part 3

Useful tips to support sleep

Sleep in a cold roomthe hormone melatonin is affected (controls the wake and sleep cycle – temperature has a positive effect on melatonin). When our body and brain temperature are lower, studies have shown that we choose sleep. If we disconnect ourselves from this cycle of our body cooling, we can experience insomnia.

Sleep in a Dark Room - When you go to bed if the room is too light, this can prevent you sleeping/relaxing. - For example the pineal gland (modules sleep patterns) is turned on and off based on the level of light available.

Best time for bed - The most beneficial time to go to bed to promote a deep good night’s sleep is by 11.00pm. Between 11.00pm and 3.00am, the majority of the cycles are non-REM (restorative), and between 3.00am and 7.00am, most of these cycles are REM (memory processing).

Walking barefoot on the grass - Accessing earth’s magnetic field, this can spread throughout our tissues. This shifts free electrons from earth surface into your tissues. As there can be a negative impact on our cells by radiation of cell phones and computers grounding will help. Grounding/earthing will help. It can also help balance cortisol (stress hormone) rhythm – stress hormone (which if not in balance, and is heightened can stop you from sleeping. Study in PubMed has demonstrated that individuals who regularly walk barefoot promotes grounding and improves sleep.


Do not consume any food for 3 hours before bed.

Consume B1, Vitamin B1 (thiamine) foods (a water-soluble vitamin that your body needs to It can be found in foods such as broccoli, onions, green beans, summer squash, kale, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, and sunflower seeds)

When the adrenal glands (responsible for stress output amongst other actions), this can deplete B1, and you can experience nervous tension which make it virtually impossible to fall asleep. Nutritional Yeast (B vitamins do not consume if you have a candida infection, may induce flatulence so build up dosage. Sugar and alcohol can deplete this vitamin.

Make sure you have plenty of water 1 ½ to 2 litres daily – why? – because dehydration limits the amount of melatonin your body can make – melatonin is the sleep hormone and can also help with anxiety.

Consume Tryptophan rich foods (helps with sleeping patterns) and is also a precursor to melatonin (as also mentioned earlier supports sleep) e.g. tart cherry juice, , turkey, cottage cheese, fish, lentils, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, tuna, bananas, figs, eggs, yoghurt, almonds. Chia seeds, chicken. Amino acid tryptophan – is also a conversion into the neurotransmitter (a chemical messenger) serotonin in the body, thus assisting mood and reduce insomnia and anxiety.

Include magnesium foodssmooth muscle dilator of your chest muscles help you breath better, relax your muscles. Avocados, almonds, flaxseed, spinach, pumpkin seeds, figs, basil, seaweed Himalayan salt (pink salt you can get from any supermarket - grounded), the normal table salt has been bleached and harmful for blood pressure. – Himalayan salt has many nutrients but magnesium specifically supports your adrenals (stress), allowing you to relax and get a deep sleep.

Try Chamomile turmeric tea/green tea - Or Yogi's Calming tea – supports nervous system, passionflower tea (not to be taken if pregnant (uterine stimulant), skullcap tea, pinch of nutmeg in some warm oat milk. Lavender tea, lemon balm, Liquorice tea to reduce stress (caution if you have high blood pressure – do not consume too much).

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