This years Time to Talk is taking place on Thursday 4th February and the team behind Upbeat Liverpool (PSS Wellbeing Centres) will be facilitating online conversations throughout the day on Zoom.
Due to the pandemic, all of us are currently doing things a bit differently and we thought this years "Time to Talk Day" would be a great opportunity to facilitate an online group chat to share with others how you are feeling here and now...
So why not join us for "Talk in a Box" on 4th Feb? Sessions are open to PSS members and will run throughout the day (9-5pm) lasting 1hour 15mins.
The zoom conversions will be facilitated by the PSS Wellbeing team as hosts and to support participants with taking part - this is not a therapy session but an opportunity to simply share your experiences and feelings of the last year, a supportive online place to "get things off your chest"!
To register your place please email Nikki on and we'll allocate you a time slot along with some zoom guidelines for taking part.
Would love to join in but don't feel confident on zoom? If you are already a member of PSS then please contact the team to see how we can help to support you with your zoom queries.
Want to find out more about Time to Talk?
"Time to Talk Day is the day that we get the nation talking about mental health. This year’s event might look a little different, but at times like this open conversations about mental health are more important than ever.
We need your help to start the conversation this Time to Talk Day – together we can end mental health stigma."
From us at PSS - we hope to see you on zoom on the 4th :)