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What's Happening Liverpool? (27.10.21)

Scroll down to check out some of the latest opportunities from Liverpool's wellbeing community...

Sound Ideas to Share- Richmond Fellowship

A new ESF funded project from Our Time (Richmond Fellowship), in partnership with Timebanking UK, BBC Radio Merseyside and Creative Lives. Sound Ideas To Share is open to unemployed people aged 19+ living across the Liverpool City Region.

Training and podcast production will run from November for eight weeks and require attendance at online sessions on Monday and Tuesday afternoons

Bettylicious Cooks at Squash- Flavours of my West African Kitchen

Friday 29th October 6.30-8.30pm Online (via zoom)

Join Betty, cooking live from the Squash kitchen, for a fun and interactive online cookalong exploring the West African origins of her food practice. Learn how to cook 3 delicious, affordable and nutritious simple dishes at home for yourself, your family and friends.

Cookalong packs for you to follow will be provided in advance and will include an ingredients list, preparation & cooking instructions, utensils and food hygiene and safety requirements.

Free Mindful Meditation and Yoga


Granby Winter Market - Plant Swap

Contact :@granbywintergarden

Shared Reading at The Reader

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