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Culture Vultures August 22

Even if the sun isn't shining this August we have our own ray of sunshine, the lovely Corinne Jones, here to shine a light on the latest cultural activities Liverpool has to offer.

Fancy unravelling the mystique and mysteries of Chinese Folk Deities? Or exploring the limestone bat caves of the mountainous island Jamaica? Maybe you'd like to brush up on your Greek philosophy? Then have a look at the marvellous events taking place this month.

Got a hunger for some cultural and creative activities this month? Then join our friendly Culture Vulture bunch! Get in touch! Email: or tel: 0151 708 0415.

2 August at 2.00 pm Vincent Van Gogh

Van Gogh’s turbulent life forms part of the mythology surrounding the Dutch Post-Impressionist, but his iconic paintings represent much more. The deeply moving imagery, his distinctive painting techniques and use of colour reveal powerful emotions. Join Art Historian Linda Casey to learn out more.

3 August at 7.00 Heavenly Bodies a guide to Chinese Folk Deities

TanSuo Cultural Travel specialises in tours that take you off the beaten track in China. They pride ourselves on their extensive knowledge and cultural understanding of their travel experts, who will accompany you on your tour.

Every fortnight on a Wednesday evening,TanSuo Cultural Travel offer a free seminar on a certain topic related to Chinese culture.

4 August at 3.00 pm Chinese drawing workshop

Join in with this mindful art session where you will have the freedom and support to unwind and to get creative in a series of guided drawing activities with artist Pui Lee.

Falling on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, the Qixi Festival, or Double Seventh Festival, is widely known as China Valentine's Day. In this workshop, you will hear an ancient love story in China about Niulang and Zhinu (Cow-herder and Weaver Girl). Then for the warm-up, you will try out some fun mark-making exercises. And for the main activity, Pui Lee will show you step-by step how to draw a colourful scene depicting this famous story!

4 August at 7.00. Bats of Jamaica

Bats of Jamaica: the island of wood, water… and limestone caves.

Jamaica is a mountainous island composed mostly of limestone, with an outcrop of metamorphic and igneous rocks forming the backbone of the Blue Mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The countless limestone caves are home to many of the country's 21 bat species, three of which are endemic. Damany Calder will take us on a journey to investigate their habitats and lifestyles, including that of the rare and endangered fig-eating bat.

9 August 7.00 pm BST The crusades Through Byzantine eyes

The Crusades were a seminal event in world history, changing the course of Christian and Islamic history. Yet all too often, our accounts of the Crusades conflate the Christian world, obscuring the very different experience of the Crusades for the Eastern Christians of the Byzantine Empire. This discussion session seeks to correct this oversight, providing a look at the experience and impact of the Crusades for the Byzantine Empire.

Each lecture is 60-minutes long and hosted on Zoom by NHM's own resident scholar, Dr. Katie Kelaidis. She is a historian and is passionate about how Greek history and culture are relevant so you can expect a lively discussion and exchange.

10 August. 10.00 pm. Executed at York - Dark tales of murder, witchcraft and treason.

Join in for an evening walk of tales from York's dark history. The tour will start at the former York Prison where the last execution in York took place in 1896 and we follow the route of the tumbril that for centuries carried the condemned on their last journey from the jail to the site of execution on the Knavesmire. Along the way there will be stories of condemned witches, women burned at the stake, a famous Catholic martyr, highwaymen, terrible murders and the brutal response to uprisings including Jacobites, Luddites and even clergymen. An evening of stories from York's dark chronicles

13 August at 2.00 The Art of Polish Paper Cutting

We know that many people are staying home on their computers, so we decided to embark on a virtual cultural journey of crafting demonstrations and lessons that we can share with our community.

Wycinanki (pronounced Veee-chee-non-key) is the Polish art of cutting paper to look like a variety of things such as floral bouquets, scenes of everyday life in the country, to roosters who guard your home. Wycinanki were originally made by Polish peasants to decorate their cottages' freshly whitewashed walls. Today they can brighten up your home or make a colorful gift for family and friends. The virtual workshop will cover the history, tradition, and process of creating your own floral Wycinanki design and by the end of the workshop you will create your own piece of art!

Supplies needed - 1 pack of Origami paper (variety of colours)

scissors (the finer/sharper the better). Glue (either rubber cement or a glue stick)

1 sheet of black card stock (8.5 x11) for mounting - Pencils

choose 2-3 flowers from a template to make a floral arrangement of your own.

17 August 4.00 pm. Shakespeare during his lost years

Knowsley’s historic links to William Shakespeare, through the support he received from the Earls of Derby at Knowsley Hall, sets the scene for this tour. During the 1590s, Prescot was the site of the only freestanding purpose-built Elizabethan-era playhouse outside of London. It was built by Richard Harrington, who was closely connected to William Stanley, the Earl of Derby, whose family home was at Knowsley Hall. During the plague, London's best performers were forced out of the capital to towns like Prescot. They brought with them new shows from a popular playwright of the day, William Shakespeare and were grateful for the Earl's support. "Prescot, which is believed to be Anglo-Saxon in origin, and Knowsley have a fascinating history and a rich heritage. The Elizabethan theatre and William Shakespeare have been an important part of that and the list of rectors for St. Mary’s church goes back to 1179, with much of the present church fabric dating to 1610. We'll follow the new Macbeth trail and finish our tour at the brand new Shakespeare North Playhouse which creates the Shakespearean triangle of London, Stratford-Upon-Avon and Prescot.

Tuesday 23 August at 4.00 pm bst

Ancient Greek Philosophy: An Introduction

In this discussion, we will look at the history and influence of ancient Greek philosophy. Beginning with the pre-Socratics, we will explore the questions and debates that animated ancient Greek philosophical life. We will engage with the work of Plato, Aristotle, Xenophone and more, looking for the common threads of influence. We will also discuss how and why ancient Greek philosophy has continued to be at the center of contemporary philosophy, scientific, and political inquiry.

Each lecture is 60-minutes long and hosted on Zoom by NHM's own resident scholar, Dr. Katie Kelaidis. She is a historian and is passionate about how Greek history and culture are relevant so you can expect a lively discussion and exchange.

25 August at 6.00 pm

Welcome the VIRTUAL tour of London for London Unseen.

Black freedom fighters travelled to the British Isles during the c19th to educate audiences about the brutalities of slavery, to write and publish their narratives, raise money to legally purchase themselves or family members, or to settle and work here. In their radical and politicised journeys of freedom, they travelled thousands of miles to give lectures in large cities like London and Edinburgh, to small villages like Bakewell, Keswick and Pembroke.

Whilst some of the buildings visited by these individuals do not remain, it is impossible to deny that we walk past important Black history sites on a daily basis, without realising the impact these men and women had on British society.

There are other talks on this subject if you would like to view more:

Last but not least(!) a series of short films on Japanese protection, no booking required.

Mamoru, which means 'to protect'. Protection is an important part of Japanese culture. Not only protecting temples, but also protecting human beings. Menno Fitski, Head of Asian Art, shows us various temple guardians and deities to explain protection in Asian art to us.

There are other short films on art if you like this video

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