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Phone Photography Challenge: Look Down

Before we get to the challenge here are some of your photos.

Here’s Sassy, Gillian’s gorgeous cat. Great name!

And here we have forget-me-nots from Bev and lily of the valley from someone who used to attend the wellbeing centres. And some words from Adele about this plant, ‘lily of the valley has a beautiful perfume. Also known as the May lily, it means “return to happiness” and most often symbolises chastity, purity, happiness, luck and humility’.

I’m outside again this week and looking for things to photograph by looking down – the theme for this week. One of the things I really like about photography is how it makes me focus on the moment. It really helps my head to stop racing and calm down. And the more photos I take the more I notice.

A word about the first part of the outdoor video and that’s an apology about the sound of the wind! It gets better after a minute.

And here are some photos I took by looking down.

I hope you find something of interest to photograph at home or outdoors and we’d love to see it if you do. Please send your photos to

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