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Thank You from all of us at PSS Wellbeing Centres

Here at PSS Wellbeing Centres we place people who use our service at the heart of everything we do.

Which is why your feedback matters to us, as in, really matters!

So when we rolled out our Wellbeing Centres Annual Survey of 2021/22 we were very eager for all your opinions and thoughts – and we are very pleased with the results.

An almighty 88 participated and you gave us - on average - an impressive 9.2 stars out of 10 based on your response to questions like:

How safe does PSS makes you feel

The difference PSS has made to your life

How you feel about the people who support you at PSS

Nicky McGovern, Manager at the PSS Wellbeing Centres said: “Thank you to everyone who found the time to respond to our annual survey, we really do appreciate it.

“We’re chuffed to bits that so many of you are happy with your support and seemingly big fans of the Wellbeing Centres! We’re constantly trying to improve things here so your input is valuable.

"Where you’ve told us we could do better, we'll look closely at what you've said and see how we can improve things.

“Rest assured we’ll be working towards a perfect 10 next year!”

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