Well that was one suggestion. But if you can't find a chicken here's some info about the Doodling Room sessions for you to think about in the meantime.
So you're on the phone, you've been chatting for a while and in front of you is yesterday's shopping list, slowly getting covered in a variety of doodles.

Is this you? Only your doodles are different because they're yours?
Then this may be the place for you...to find some relaxation and easy mindfulness with a pen and paper.
Through simple doodly exercises you'll discover all the shapes and patterns you like to make the most.
And what's best of all - you already know how to do this!
And then...?
We'll look at how you might turn your doodles into pleasing patterns - to enjoy just as they are or use for decorating cards, making bookmarks and whatever else takes your fancy..
And another best of all - it's really good for your mental health, because while you're focussed on all the marks you're making and enjoying a chat with the group, you're giving your mind a relaxing break from thinking about any difficulties you may be going through at the moment.
So don't be blue -

not long now...